CO2 calculator — Energy balance calculatorSince there is not a single footprint calculator where you can enter the values of a GEMINI next generation, here is our CO2 energy balance calculator for housing and mobility.
00:34 GEMINI next generation house and electric car. 01:02 Electricity demand 7,000 kWh, electricity generation 33,000 kWh 02:08 Heat is included in electricity demand 02:42 Default value for water 02:50 Diet with little meat 02:58 Large electric car 24,000 km per year 03:13 No travel 03:19 Consumption 03:43 Very little paper waste 03:54 Household appliances 04:04 Consumer electronics 04:14 Pets 04:16 Shocking result 13.95 t CO2/a 06:38 Optimization no more solar power 07:00 Surprise, only 13.61 t CO2/a left 07:14 Optimization only 2,800 kWh electricity left 07:30 because diesel car instead of electric car 07:44 14,57 t CO2/a without solar power with diesel car 09:06 Energy balance calculator instead of CO2 calculator 10:16 6 kWh electricity, to recycle 1 kg CO2 from the atmosphere 11:17 50% of CO2 emission when burning wood is calculated 12:49 House around 1970, diesel car 20.000 km per year 14:20 Extensive thermal renovation, 60% less heat demand 14:59 Oil heating out, heat pump in 15:38 Diesel car gone, electric car here 16:16 10 kW photovoltaics on south roof 17:21 GEMINI next generation house with electric car 19:00 Planetary renovation back to 350 ppm CO2 19:38 End Music: Andy Mangele
Footprint calculators assume that 1 m² of growing forest can absorb 1 kg CO2 per year. This would work very well with 1 to 2 billion tons of CO2 emissions per year. Creating 1 to 2 million km² of new forest would not be a feat. But one thing is certain: we do not have 37 million km² for new forest areas. This fact is expressed with the saying "We need 2 Earths". Since we don't have 2 Earths, we need a more efficient method to reduce CO2. Filtering one kg of CO2 from the atmosphere and splitting it into carbon and oxygen requires 6 kWh of electricity. A square meter of photovoltaic can produce 360 kWh per year in a sunny desert and thus supply a facility with electricity that reduces 60 kg of CO2 with these 360 kWh. Instead of 37 million km² growing forest around 0.6 million km² photovoltaic in sunny deserts. We have them, that is feasible.
Our energy balance calculator evaluates every kWh of electricity you feed into the grid as 1 kWh positive in your balance and every kg of CO2 emission as 6 kWh negative. The values come from Calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from various energy sources Federal Environment Agency Austria as of 2019. The upstream chain is taken into account at the Federal Environment Agency Austria. For example, from the borehole via transport to the refinery and to the filling station. There are also information on air travel and other emissions. Deviating from this, the CO2 default for electricity is 420 g/kWh according to Umweltbundesamt Deutschland 2021 Deviating from this, we do not believe that a tree that would stand for 300 years is CO2 neutral, we therefore calculate 50% of the carbon present in the wood for burning. The preset values correspond to a GEMINI next Generation house between 47 and 50 degrees latitude with 33 kW peak photovoltaic, additional 10 kW photovoltaic on the garage and 20,000 km per year driving an electric car.
The electricity that you draw from the mains, the electricity that you charge your car with at charging points.
Use the electricity mix of your country for this, even if you purchase "100% certified green electricity". This is useless as long as your neighbour has "100% electricity from local lignite". A snapshot of the power mix can be found on
This point simply does not exist in the energy balance. If you consume a lot of your solar power yourself, this will only reduce your electricity sales.
CO2 emissions from production are constantly changing. The electricity mix becomes cleaner, the production is energetically optimized. But this can also go in the opposite direction. Oil wells that are easy to use are diminishing, new oil wells can only be tapped at extremely high cost. German coal mines close, coal is sourced by ship from other continents. Let's assume that a GEMINI next Generation is transported 200 km from the production hall to the building site. For the way to the ground 15 l diesel/100 km, for the way back 7 l diesel/100 km. 264 liters of diesel for house transport. In a few years Electric cars will be available, which can also pull a house segment . For the way to the building site 55 kWh/100 km, for the way back 25 kWh/100 km. That is 960 kWh electricity, the largest part of the photovoltaic roof of the production hall.
Production is not included in this calculation. It does not include emissions from food production. A balance in red shows how many kWh of electricity future generations will have to produce during the period of planetary renovation to filter your CO2 emissions from the atmosphere and split them into carbon and oxygen. It also does not take into account the possible interest on our greenhouse gas emissions, thawing permafrost soils, outgassing methane hydrate. Perhaps every kg of CO2 from fossil combustion is accompanied by one kg of CO2 equivalent from thawing permafrost soils. |
Historical development and current statements |
This subdomain and the subdomain shows the historical development of the project. shows current statements of GEMINI next Generation AG.