GEMINI next Generation - energy + food + living comfortWhat can housing cost? Where can you build? How much Energy should a house produce? How much building material is needed? GEMINI n.G. is looking for completely new answers to these questions.
To be part of the solution instead of part of the problem and to enable others, our customers, to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Climate change and dependence on a finite amount of fossil energy is a very serious problem. We need to get out of oil, coal, biofuel, natural gas and uranium. For many this situation is so stressful that they take refuge in fantasy worlds, where the increase from 280 ppm to 419 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere is not a cause of climate change and where oil fields are replenishing themselves again and again. People who are panic-stricken that solving the problem would significantly reduce their standard of living. Making it possible to be part of the solution means to increase your standard of living through a very exceptional price / performance ratio and maximum comfort. Being part of the solution means living under 72 photovoltaic modules with 60 cells and over 28 kW peak in a GEMINI next Generation house and using only minimal amounts of self generated electricity for space heating, cooling and hot water due to large heat storage and a special heat pumps system. With the purchase of a GEMINI next Generation House you become ambassadors of a new age, the solar age, where worldwide wealth prevails and people are no longer plagued by constant existential fears.
Historical development and current statements |
This subdomain and the subdomain shows the historical development of the project. shows current statements of GEMINI next Generation AG.